Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Universities should educate – employers should train : Share your Thoughts

"Our economic health depends on the critical thinkers our universities are graduating. The next generation of leaders in our knowledge-based economy will emerge from these institutions and can only truly be great if employers understand and value a university degree as a broad education, not specific skills training."Blouw, M. 2013

The above quote is taken from an article which looks at training and education and whether the role of training should be the responsibility of the employer while Universities should be expected to provide education. This is a continuation of the discussion on whose responsibility is training and what should be the role of the university. Also where does the learning organization fit in this scenario? Read the article at!
and share your views on whose responsibility is training?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Education, Training and Development (ETD): Global Trends

"Training is one of the most important functions in any organisation. You may have brilliant systems and technology in place, but if your employees are incompetent there is little hope for your company," writes Marius Meyer.  In the article Global Trends in Training and Development, Meyer makes the point that there is now more focus on ETD and there are identifiable trends and developments. Read Meyer's points at
When you consider the points made by Meyer, are these really new global trends or just different ways of expressing things that have been happening for years? Share your views on this blog as you consider the points made by Meyer.