Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Universities should educate – employers should train : Share your Thoughts

"Our economic health depends on the critical thinkers our universities are graduating. The next generation of leaders in our knowledge-based economy will emerge from these institutions and can only truly be great if employers understand and value a university degree as a broad education, not specific skills training."Blouw, M. 2013

The above quote is taken from an article which looks at training and education and whether the role of training should be the responsibility of the employer while Universities should be expected to provide education. This is a continuation of the discussion on whose responsibility is training and what should be the role of the university. Also where does the learning organization fit in this scenario? Read the article at!
and share your views on whose responsibility is training?


  1. I personally though like education is necessary but unfortunately it does not make person able to get a good employment. Trainings are efficient way to learn people about practical skills but still there is something missing which can lead a nation if we look in a broader picture and that area is leadership training. Leadership training seminar everybody should attend by which you can teach who to lead, how to become manager, how to handle a team, how to set long term goals.
